The Carrbrook Community Hub in Stalybridge is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
There is also a community drop in session on the 2nd Monday of every month 1pm - 3pm.
Safe place for residents to come together and enjoy a range of activities provided by local volunteers.
Weekly activities include:
- Tea n Toast
- Craft
- Bingo
- Breakfast Club
- Tai Chi
- Quizzes
Other activities offered at the Hub are:
- Cooking Classes
- Fun Days
- Gardening Competitions
- Days outs
- Christmas Parties
- Special events such as Mother Day, Valentines Day etc
Please note: Sign Language Classes (postponed, contact for details)

Want to find out more about Carrbrook Community HUB?
Get in touch with us for further details about your area and what is happening at the HUB. We want to hear from you and we're listening.
Phone: 07876 841977 (Cath Finch)
Community Drop-in sessions on the second Monday of every month from 1pm to 3pm.
Find us: Carrbrook Community Hub |
Stop by if you have any questions!
MSV offers a variety of teams to assist you with any housing, environmental, or community concerns you might encounter. These teams can also share relevant issues with our partners.
Additionally, MSV is a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. Our team can support you in reporting Hate Crimes and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in your area.

I work as a Community Fundraiser for Reuben's Retreat, children's charity based in Greater Manchester. I just want to say how amazing your residents are that run the Carrbrook Community Hub. They organised a charity fundraiser fun day and we were one of the charities that they chose to support (along with two others). They did raffle prizes, tombola, family fun days, tea/coffee and sandwiches. I attended and it was truly amazing. I am letting you know so that they can receive the recognition they deserve. The Carrbrook Community Hub is a wonderful place for people across the different parts of the community to attend and offers a place for residents to meet others, share concerns, run quiz competitions, meet with the housing officer amongst other things. They are truly superstars and should, in my eyes, be given an award for what they have achieved. Thank you, Lindsay Smith Community Fundraiser, Reuben's Retreat