Bramhall Community Hub

The Bramhall Community Hub in Stockport is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10.30am to 1.30pm for Coffee Mornings / Knit and Natter Sessions.

There is also a community drop in session on the second Thursday of every month 10am- 12pm.

Bramhall Hub is a safe place for residents to come together and enjoy a range of activities provided by local volunteers. 

Weekly activities include:

  • Tea n Toast
  • Knit and Natter 

Other activities offered at the Hub are:

  • Days outs
  • Christmas Parties
  • Kids Craft Sessions during school holidays
  • Special events such as Mother Day, Valentines Day, Halloween etc.
Image of room in Bramhall hub with tables and chairs


Want to find out more about Bramhall Community HUB?

Get in touch with us for further details about your area and what is happening at the HUB. We want to hear from you and we're listening.

Phone: 07876 841977 (Cath Finch)



Community Drop-in sessions on the second Thursday of every month from 10am to 12pm.

Stop by if you have any questions!

MSV offers a variety of teams to assist you with any housing, environmental, or community concerns you might encounter. These teams can also share relevant issues with our partners.

Additionally, MSV is a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. Our team can support you in reporting Hate Crimes and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in your area.

Find Us: 

84 Northpark Road,

Gardening Volunteers wanted

Are you passionate about creating a healthy green environment?

We're looking for volunteers to help create and maintain the garden areas of Bramhall. MSV will provide all the plants and equipment needed.


  • create a beautiful environment you can be proud of
  • increase local biodiversity and bring flora and fauna to life
  • create a thriving environment our bees can populate
  • meet likeminded people, potential to join a gardening group
  • being outdoors and enjoying your hobbies is great for your mental health and wellbeing

Get in touch

If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, please contact us today.

Louise Webster, 07912 390 856
Cath Finch, 07876 841 977