Scrutiny members review our performance and services

MSV’s Scrutiny panel is made up of customers of MSV. Members review our performance, strategies, policies, and services
Join our pool of Scrutiny Panel members. Sign up for the service or area you are interested in.
The Scrutiny Panel reviews different elements of MSV, for example, repairs, complaints, customer service, and newsletters. To do this, panel members may observe colleagues, speak to other customers, review complaints, and interview colleagues. They then make recommendations and suggest actions for us to improve the service.
The group challenges what we do, ensuring that:
- We meet customers' needs
- Ensure Value for Money at all times
- Ensure feedback is reported to the board and MSV committees
Personal qualities and skills required to become a scrutiny member:
- Good concentration
- A good listener
- Tactful and diplomatic
- Able to share skills
- Professional and open-minded
- Respect confidential information
- Able to analyse written information
Find out more!
To become a scrutiny member please contact the Customer Voice and Influence Team at