Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-Social behaviour (ASB) can have a serious impact on people's quality of life and we are committed to tackling incidents with a proactive approach enabling tenants to enjoy their homes and live peacefully in their neighbourhood.


We want our tenants to feel happy and safe in their homes and in the community.

We endeavour to: -

  • Visit new tenants within six weeks of moving into their new homes to make sure they are settling in and getting the support they need.
  • Remove graffiti reported or identified within one week, unless being investigated by the police.
  • Investigate promptly any fly-tipping on MSV-owned land, to identify the person/s responsible and request removal. If the rubbish is not removed, we will arrange for the removal and recharge those concerned if they are identified. We will work in partnership with the local authorities to report any fly-tipping which is not on MSV’s land.
  • Acknowledge and assess reports of anti-social behaviour within 24 hours.
  • If it is serious anti-social behaviour, including violence, threats, harassment, hate behaviour, or domestic abuse, we will speak to you as soon as possible either over the phone or arrange contact within one working day.

Anti-Social behaviour (ASB) is a broad term used to describe the day-to-day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that make many people’s lives a misery.

It is defined in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 as:

  • Conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person
  • Conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises, or
  • Conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.

The types of behaviour that we consider to be anti-social include but is not limited to:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Other physical violence, such as attacks on a person
  • Hate crimes
  • Verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation or threatening behaviour
  • Criminal behaviour
  • Substance misuse or drug dealing
  • Loitering or misuse of communal areas or public spaces
  • Noise nuisance
  • Nuisance from vehicles (e.g. abandoned vehicles, joy riding, drag racing, nuisance vehicle repairs)
  • Prostitution, sexual acts or kerb-crawling
  • Vandalism and damage to property, including graffiti

Examples of non-ASB:

  • A baby crying
  • DIY noise at reasonable times of the day
  • Children playing ball games where there is no deliberate damage caused to a property
  • Cats roaming and/or fouling

If you have experienced any form of anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse or hate related anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of your home, please don't suffer in silence.



How to Report

There are several ways you can report any neighbourhood concerns to our Anti-Social Behaviour team. 

  1. Call 0161 226 4211 (Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm, closed bank holidays)
    Please note: If you have an emergency repair please call on the same number for our out-of-hours service.
  2. Email us at
  3. Fill out the contact us form
  4. Online MyMSV account. Create a customer account to report and manage your tenancy.
  5. Speak to your Neighbourhood Officer. Use the postcode search for contact details.
  6. Visit our community hubs! Hub opening times:

In case of an emergency or immediate danger, always call 999.

Remember, everyone has the right to feel safe. Let's work together to build a community free from anti-social behaviour and hate.


Our Anti - Social Behaviour Policy

Read our Anti - Social Behaviour policy here to find out more about:

  • Our definition of anti-social Behaviour
  • How MSV will respond to reports of anti-social behaviour
  • Who is responsible for anti-social behaviour at MSV
  • How MSV will monitor, evaluate and record reports of anti-social behaviour
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