Standing Together Against Hate this #NationalHCAW

Monday, 14 October 2024




We are taking a stand against hate. The goal of this year’s National Hate Crime Awareness Week (12th – 19th October 2024) is to raise awareness of hate crime, encourage victims to report it, and promote solidarity and understanding among communities.

Find out more about Hate Crime Awareness Week at There are lots of events happening throughout the week - check out the table below to find out more.

Louise Shackcloth, Community Safety Manager said: "Hate crime can have a devastating impact on victims and their families. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all of our communities, regardless of race, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristic.

"We encourage our residents to report hate crime, whether they are the victim or a witness. If you have been affected by hate crime, please know that you are not alone - there is support out there.”

#WeStandTogether#NoPlaceForHate #SafePlaceForAll #NationalHCAW

What is hate crime?

"Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic"

The 9 characteristics of hate crime:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Examples of hate crime include:

  • Threats of violence
  • Verbal or physical abuse
  • Racial abuse
  • Bullying behaviour
  • Ridiculing cultural differences
  • Offensive graffiti and fly posting or property damage

Reporting a hate crime

MSV is officially a national hate crime reporting centre, working with Greater Manchester Police to provide free help and support on reporting a hate crime in your area.

Call MSV's Community Safety Team 24 hours a day for confidential help and support on 0161 226 4211 or email

You can also report any form of hate crime anonymously through:

Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111 

Police non-emergency reporting number -101

True Vision – a national website set up by the government for people to report hate crime online. Find it here.

In an emergency, call 999

Events in Greater Manchester this month:





Contact details

4th October 2024


This event will be a workshop for the community. Their main activities address through artistic activities:

  • The barriers faced by marginalised groups, specifically the Central Eastern European and Roma communities
  • How to report hate crimes

Longsight Community Art Space, 89 Northmoor Rd, Longsight, Manchester M12 4PF

Telephone: 03333 058 570



8th & 14th October (stalls)

17th October (workshop)



Future Directions CIC

People with learning disabilities with lived experience of hate crime will:

  • Staff hate crime resource stands, giving advice on staying safe and reporting hate crime
  • Share hate crime resources and easy-read information developed by us
  • There will also be a workshop using art for participants to express their experiences of hate crime

Wythenshawe Forum, Simonsway, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M22 5RX

Telephone: 0161 769 9000



17thOctober 2024

Manchester Cathedral Challenging Hate Forum

Collaborating with The Well Project, Manchester Cathedral will:

  • Provide refugees with access to kitchen facilities
  • Food will be offered at a round table discussion about hate crimes, personal experiences
  • Reporting incidents will be encouraged

Manchester Cathedral, Victoria Street, M3 1SX

Telephone:  0161 833 2220


18thOctober 2024

Somali Adult Social Care Agency (SASCA)

This event will have guest speakers educating the community on hate crime and how to report it. Also raising awareness on their Third-Party Reporting Centre status.

SASCA, 153b Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester, M14 4RE

Telephone: 0161 227 7966


19thOctober 2024

Caritas Diocese of Salford

This event celebrates disability and looks challenging stereotypes with faith and disability. Participant can enjoy a:

  • Hate crime presentation
  • Personal testimonies
  • Learn about other faiths

There will also be performances of dance and singing and food celebrating diversity.

Sacred Heart Community Centre, Gorton, M18 7WJ

Telephone: 0161 817 2250

23rdOctober 2024

LGBT Foundation

The event will be held at our community centre, a space where people already feel comfortable and safe to attend, and will be delivered by our Community Safety Lead and supported by our Village Angel volunteers

Will deliver a workshop and event focussing on:

  • Hate Crime Awareness building for LGBTQ+ people
  • How to report, promoting their Third-Party Reporting Centre status

LGBT Foundation, 2nd Floor, 72 Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3NJ

Telephone: 0345 3 30 30 30
