MSV is a social landlord with a range of homes across the North West.
We manage and build affordable homes for people who need them and work with communities and partners to maintain sustainable neighbourhoods. From us, you can expect a home which is affordable, warm, safe and secure.
Standard of New Homes from MSV
You can read our new home lettable standard here which includes information on how your new home will be:
- Safe, with services in good working order
- Secure
- Clean and in a reasonable condition
- Complies with legal and safety requirements
Allocations Policy
You can read our allocations policy here which includes information on:
- Who can apply for an MSV Home
- How you go about applying for a home
- How we treat applications from vulnerable people
- Property size and criteria
- Our approach to pets and children
You can read our Empty Homes Policy here which includes information on:
- How MSV delivers its void property service to all MSV owned and managed homes
- What is classed as an empty home
- How we will provide an efficient empty home service
- How we will ensure our homes are safe and of a high standard when we let to new customers
Growth Strategy
- Identify where new homes will be built.
- Outline the Number, Type and Tenure of the homes to be built.
- Outline the type and quality of the new homes.
- Explain how we will deliver on our growth plans.
- Identify how these new homes will be marketed and how we will brand them.
For further information, please contact: