We aim to provide the best possible service to our customers, but we understand that sometimes things go wrong.

We welcome your feedback so we can learn and improve, and we will work to resolve concerns or complaints at the first point of contact with you.
Examples of when you may wish to make a complaint are:
• When you think we have not acted as quickly as we said without a genuine reason
• When we have not followed our policy or procedure regarding the service you receive
• When you think you have been treated unfairly or impolitely
• When our services have fallen below the levels we would expect
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your initial contact or we are unable to resolve any concerns or complaints at the first point of contact and to your satisfaction, we will log a formal complaint
We will listen to your concerns and use your comments to help us improve
• We want to ensure that you are treated fairly and with respect and our staff are polite and take your complaint seriously
• We want to treat your concerns confidentially and with transparency and openness
• We will always make reasonable adjustments, taking into account your circumstances
• If we have done something wrong, we will provide an apology or feedback
• We will keep you up-to-date with how your complaint is progressing throughout the process with regular updates
• We will provide feedback on changes we make as a ‘You Said We Did’ update on our website, on social media, in our newsletters and Annual Report
There are 2 Stages to the Formal Complaints Procedure.
Click below to find out what you can expect at each step of our complaints process.
There are a number of ways you can make a formal complaint.
1. By post: simply fill in the form on page 4 of the Have Your Say customer information leaflet and return it to: MSV Housing Group, 7th Floor Trafford House, Manchester, M32 0RS.
2. By phone: Call us on 0161 226 4211 (Mon to Fri 8.30 am - 5 pm)
3. By email: Send the details if your complaint by email to: complaints@msvhousing.co.uk
4. Online: Complete the online 'Contact Us' form on our website.
Once we receive your complaint the following steps will be taken:
We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
We will assign the complaint to a named case handler
We aim to respond fully to you within 10 working days of receiving your complaint, including details of:-
- The complaint stage
- A summary of the complaint
- The decision on the complaint and reasons for this
- How we will put things right
- Details of any outstanding actions
- Details of how to escalate the matter to the Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with our response
We will only escalate a complaint to stage 2 of our process at your request. You have 12 months to escalate a complaint to stage 2.
We will acknowledge the escalation of your complaint within 5 working days of receiving the request.
Your complaint will be assigned a case handler; either a Head of Service, Senior Leadership Member or Executive Director (someone different to the stage 1 case handler).
The case handler will make contact with you within 5 working days to acknowledge and discuss your complaint
We aim to respond fully to you within 20 working days of your escalation to stage 2, including details of the:
- The complaint stage
- A summary of the complaint
- The decision on the complaint and reasons for this
- How we will put things right
- Details of any outstanding actions
- Details of how to escalate the matter to the Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with our response
Further Information
Please read our Customer information leaflet to find out more about our complaints process, or view our complaints policy here.
The Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling CodeThe Housing Ombudsman complaints code requires landlords like MSV to complete and publish a self-assessment against their complaints code every year. The MSV self-assessment was approved by the Board on 20th June 2024 We take all complaints seriously and if customers wish to make a complaint they can contact us by email at: complaints@msvhousing.co.uk, by calling us on: 0161 226 4211 or by completing the form on page 3 of the Have Your Say leaflet. Customers can contact the Housing Ombudsman directly on 0300 111 3000 or by visiting www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk Read or download our Complaint Handling Code – Self Assessment 2024 and other related documents below: |
Our Compensation Policy sets out our approach to awarding financial compensation to our customers who have suffered some form of loss, inconvenience, or distress because of actions or inaction (such as a service failure or decisions made) by us or where we have failed to follow our published policies.
The Compensation Policy has been developed to ensure we have a fair and transparent approach to the way we manage compensation offers and requests.
Please review our full policy here to find out the qualifying circumstances for compensation and conditions for claim and award.